Explore our Parking Studies services.

Shared-Use Studies

Shared-use parking studies and required parking adjustments generally apply where multiple land uses are represented within one specific project, for example a mixed-use project with retail, office and residential components. Parking Design Group identifies the times of peak parking throughout the day for each of the various land-uses to determine the peak parking time for the overall mixed-use development. Shared-use adjustments will be considered based on peak parking periods for the various land uses occurring at different times of day, taking into account those patrons who may park once but visit two or more of the land uses, e.g. retail, restaurant, salons, post offices, etc.  Understanding and adjusting for these shared-use considerations have a critical impact on buildouts and remodel planning.

  • Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Strategies
    TDM strategies include consideration of, and adjustments to, city-required parking based on such items as: proximity to mass transit, car- / van-pooling programs, parking discounts for on-site bicycle facilities and in-lieu fees. Parking Design Group assists in developing management plans in order to provide a working tool for developers and architects in the initial and redesign of projects. Assistance is offered in navigating the broad array of regulations pertaining to various jurisdictions.
  • Single-Use Properties
    Multi-family developments which do not have on-site usage facilities often require a study that takes into consideration proximity to mass-transit; as well as specific per unit requirements, for example 1.25 parking spaces per residential unit. A comparison may be made to other similar communities in the area and/or nationwide. Parking Design Group is experienced in developing parking management plans which provide developers and architects with a tool for the design of individual projects.
  • Occupancy and Turnover
    Drones are now being used, along with other traditional data collection means, to identify parking activity at large commercial and institutional properties and campuses. However, measuring in realtime is preferred to render accurate study projections. Much of the industry still relies on foundationally unsound parking demand data that has been previously collected and published. Parking Design Group believes it is important that developers and municipalities correctly calibrate their study findings and projections. This can be achieved through real-time, on-site observations at the subject property or, in the event of new development, comparable properties.